The Midlife Gals: Baby Boomen Women Have Fun

by Anne Holmes on September 8, 2009

Upon launching this site, I promised to give baby boomer women a voice by sharing their stories. Let me introduce you to Kelly and Sally Jackson who refer to themselves as The Midlife Gals. They’re on a mission to keep boomer women laughing. We hope you enjoy our interview with the sisters.

Using one paragraph, tell us a bit about yourself?

*  Think Lucy and Ethel after those deadbeats, Fred and Ricky, Laverne and Shirley, all grown up and haired over or The Smothers Brothers with bosoms.

The Midlife Gals are here to tell you that it’s okay to love/hate your elders, your teenage children, one or more of your siblings, or the grocery store cashier.  Stop screaming into your pillows in the pantry…come OUT and join us in dialog about our profane, insane, comedic outlook on just about everything.

Tell us about your family; married, divorced, children, grands, boomerangs or parents living with you, etc.

*  We are sisters, Kelly and Sally Jackson who serve as live-in caregivers to our mother, whom we refer to as The Ancient One.  We could not pry her from her home for greener pastures at a retirement center, so we brought ‘the mountain to Mohammed and moved in with her.

What is your favorite childhood memory that is reminiscent of growing up in the 50s, 60s or 70s?

*  We grew up in west Texas, dry-as-a-bone, flat and dusty.  We had to make our own fun, as The Ancient One, who was known back in the 50s, 60s and 70s as The Stunning One, was busy with her own life.  She left the child-rearing to various and sundry house-keepers, maids and cooks who were some of the best teachers we ever had.

There were no ‘play dates.’  We left the house in the morning and didn’t return until dusk.  Our neighborhood was one giant playground with all of our team members consisting of our cherished little pals within a five-block radius.  Plenty to play ‘hide-and-go-seek,’ Red Rover Come Over, Mother May I or to terrorize the neighborhood as the most innocent gang members on planet earth.

What qualities do you have that speak of our generation of women?

*  We share similar qualities with ALL the women of our generation.  When the women’s liberation movement came along, we were as confused as the men about how to behave, what to expect, what not to do, what TO do.  Sheesh!  Our parents all shared the horrors and triumphs of World War II while we rallied ‘round the love generation.  And, with our young boys and girls being in Vietnam, our generation split in half, causing even more confusion.

What inspires you?

*  The Midlife Gals are inspired by the survivors who made it through our turbulent youth, including ourselves.  With our Daddy’s passing in 1958, we had no male role models, no one to shelter us or teach us what to do and expect as we grew.  But, we had powerful older women scraping out their own oases in that desert soil, loving life, raising the children who were our best friends, and being stronger than any of the men we ever met.

What brings you the most pleasure in midlife?

*  The pleasures we find during these middle years are so huge in number that we can only give a cursory go at them here.  We’re delighted to have reconnected during this time with our Ancient One…and not so much more with her, but the bliss of our sister relationship is both the pleasure of our lives and our greatest triumph.

We created a world of laughter and mischief with The Midlife Gals / / and we’ve never been happier or laughed as much in our lives.  We’ve been through the men who wondered in and out of our spheres and have learned that it is OKAY to think our lives are complete without them.  Should one mosey back into our orbit, he’ll have to love us both and understand the bond that we have formed.  He’ll have to be comfortable in his own skin, generous, kind and funny, or we ain’t interested.  What a load off.

Do you have any interesting hobbies?

*  We’re not so much ‘hobby’ people, unless you consider martinis once a week at a lovely bar, a hobby.  We do yoga three times a week, walk through the neighborhood when it’s not too hot and watch television together at night, laughing, crying or swearing at the strobe light of the screen.  Some might consider our website a hobby, but we’re working diligently to make sure that it represents the springboard off which we dive into the deep waters of success and fame.

Do you travel and if so, who are your favorite travel partners and where do you like to go?

*  The Midlife Gals grew up with a wanderlust due to the Ancient One’s encouragement to go to new places, have new experiences, meet new people and take risks.  We’ve traveled to many parts of the world, which both formed our strengths and taught us that our little west Texas spot of earth was only a speck of sand compared to the rest of the world.  Still SO many places we’ve yet to see, but our plans are made.

Have you re-invented yourself, and if so, how?

*  Boy, have we reinvented ourselves, winding up as The Midlife Gals.  Why, we even write about our regular reinvention and make short, nutty videos showing  how mischievous we can be…all this for More Magazine online.   We are taking full advantage of this time together in our lives and making other boomer women laugh at us and with us about all the indignities of middle age.

Do you still have unfulfilled dreams, and are you doing anything to accomplish them?


If you were to have a personal mission statement, what would it be? Feel free to be as serious or fun as you choose.

*  Our ultimate goal is to have a situation comedy on a cable network channel that allows us to carry on, regardless of our sometimes profane attitudes.  We want to speak for those boomer women who are thinking what we’re thinking, but would never dare verbalize those fears, misgivings, regrets, anger…you name it…we’re here to laugh about it, get things out in the open and interact with each other on a regular basis.  We want the ‘long-sufferers’ and ‘lambs to the slaughter’ to guffaw, spit up and snort with glee about how fabulous it is to be alive in middle age.  It’s a short trip, this trip around the sun, and we feel obliged to encourage our peers to enjoy the roller coaster.  You can always throw up after it’s done, but scream with joy that you’re here at all.

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